An exploration of ego and narcissism through fashion and visual storytelling.
In this series, the photographer was interested in visually representing what narcissism would look like and give it a human form and a story. While narcissism is something everyone experiences to a degree, it can ultimately become a problem in people’s lives or for society at large (many of the world leaders’ having caused the suffering of many because of their narcissism for instance).
His visual interpretation of both ego and narcissism was someone dressed and adorned in an ostentatious and extravagant way. His body language and clothes are reminiscent of those of a king and the body painting on his face, fingers and feet are there to signify is wealth and social status, like they do for many African tribes.
By giving a visual and physical form to ego narcissism, Yannis Davy Guibinga hopes to make the viewers wonder about their own relationship with the phenomenon and interrogate themselves as to where it comes from.
Subject / Christian Lohez
Photography / Yannis Davy Guibinga
MUA: Morgane Lanoy
Styling / Christian Lohez