This image is an exploration of the evolution of mythologies and the figures within them overtime. As was the norm throughout most of the continent, stories and myths were transmitted orally, by Elders telling stories to the younger generation. As such, some of these stories were bound to change and grow overtime.
The story of Medusa, the snake-haired woman who was punished by the Gods in Greek mythology, is one that also has evolved like many others. Today, there are versions of her story claiming that Medusa was in actuality an African Goddess, whose hair were confused to be snakes by the Greeks. Although that version is very likely something that was made up for and during the Internet Age, the idea of a African mythical figure with unnaturally long and floating braids is still an idea that I found interesting enough to explore and create an image out of. Maybe it’s Medusa. Medusa she is a completely different figure. Her story, it turns out, is entirely up to you.
Photography / Yannis Davy Guibinga
Featuring / Marieme Mboup
Assistant / Kano Kano